We are meeting masses of people in our daily professional life.
The key to success is not only professional knowledge but also the image we have in the eyes of others.
A pleasant sunny smile takes you a further step towards appreciation by your business partner.
There are many reasons why people do not want to show their full smile.
Sometimes just a minor change can make your smile look odd, like a chipped corner of your tooth.
Some people face problems with old discoloured, badly looking composite fillings. Even natural defects such as gaps between the teeth may appear disturbing.
In such cases the ideal and easy solution is to replace the fillings or close the gaps between the teeth with ceramic veneers or crowns. Old silver-black or discoloured composite fillings are a nightmare for somebody with a wide smile. Easy help! Ceramic inlays! Strong, precisely fitting, and natural looking.
It is possible that wrongly designed crowns and bridges create bad breath. You may also already have old crowns you do not feel comfortable with and would like to replace them to achieve better functionality and a more natural look. Plus replacing your old crowns and missing teeth with new functional teeth makes you able to enjoy the taste of your favourite food again. What do you think?
When the enamel (the visible upper layer of your tooth) is not hard enough your teeth may show evident wear-down. With veneers/crowns you can go back in time and achieve the appearance of youth in a very short time.
Remember that ceramic materials are stable, natural looking and faultless. A proper ceramic tooth will serve you a lifetime.
Do not hesitate to do a check-up of your own smile by filling our smile check form to find out how your smile can be improved.
Look in the mirror, give yourself a big smile and tell us what you would change if possible.
Find out what bothers you.